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"She has really revolutionized how our office operates on a daily basis internally and with clients."

"Alisha has been a remarkable administrator for our private practice and business. Having worked with two previous virtual assistants, I was impressed with Alisha's varied skill set, experience in the field, professionalism and expertise, and her attention to detail in caring for our clients. She has really revolutionized how our office operates on a daily basis internally and with clients."

"She has single-handedly streamlined and improved our operations, communications, marketing, and advertising strategies."

 "From the start, Alisha was clear that she was a virtual administrator and not a virtual assistant and in the year and a half she's worked for our organization, she has single-handedly streamlined and improved our operations, communications, marketing, and advertising strategies. She recommended and managed the transition away from Google Voice to Spruce, which has been a far superior tool for internal and external communication."

"My clients enjoy working with her directly, which has freed me up to spend more time with my family. Alisha has provided me with valuable peace-of-mind knowing that my clients are getting their needs met." 

"Alisha has provided me with valuable peace-of-mind knowing that my clients are getting their needs met."

"I couldn't be happier with Alisha and all she's made possible for our business. I highly recommend Alisha, she has exceeded my expectations again and again."

"I highly recommend Alisha, she has exceeded my expectations again and again."